4. The power of groupby and aggregation#

So far, pandas probably seems like a more user friendly NumPy. However, it allows much greater flexibility that NumPy does not.

A common operation in psychology is to examine how some measure varies between or across groups. For example, if we measure depression and want to see how it differs between men and women, we will need to average depression scores separately for men and women. You’re experienced enough to know many psychology experiments have many more complex designs - one score under different levels of different variables.

How could you calculate those means and standard deviations in your raw data? You could use very complex subsettings for this in an array. But Pandas has a method which is the forefront of the split-apply-combine approach.

This can be confusing, but very powerful - its worth learning in detail.


The split-apply-combine approach works by taking a set of data, and subsetting it (i.e., split) into sub-groups where the grouping variable of choice is constant.

Then, the desired function is applied - this could be the mean, standard deviation, or some other more complex function.

Finally, the newly calculated data is combined back into a DataFrame that looks similar in appearance to the original.

Sounds like a lot of work - but pandas makes this easy using the .groupby() method.

.groupby() is called on a DataFrame, and takes a keyword, by. This tells the DataFrame to split by the unique values in this variable. Its worth noting Pandas won’t return anything at this point - just that it has rearranged your data in an efficient way and is ready to apply some functions.

A simple example - compute the mean values of all variables in the mtcars dataset, differing between automatic or manual cars - stored in the am variable (has 0 or 1).

# Demonstrate groupby
grouped = mtcars.groupby(by='am')

# Look
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x128badfc0>

You get a special ‘object’ that indicates your data is successfully split, but has all the usual methods of a DataFrame that you can use to interact with.

# Now apply a function - mean
means = grouped.mean()


# One line
one_liner = mtcars.groupby(by='am').mean()
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs gear carb
0 17.147368 6.947368 290.378947 160.263158 3.286316 3.768895 18.183158 0.368421 3.210526 2.736842
1 24.392308 5.076923 143.530769 126.846154 4.050000 2.411000 17.360000 0.538462 4.384615 2.923077
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs gear carb
0 17.147368 6.947368 290.378947 160.263158 3.286316 3.768895 18.183158 0.368421 3.210526 2.736842
1 24.392308 5.076923 143.530769 126.846154 4.050000 2.411000 17.360000 0.538462 4.384615 2.923077

Adding complexity to this is very simple. If you want to split by more variables, pass them as a list to groupby().

# Group by transmission (am) and by number of gears (gear)
trans_gear = mtcars.groupby(by=['am', 'gear']).mean()
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs carb
am gear
0 3 16.106667 7.466667 326.3000 176.133333 3.132667 3.8926 17.692 0.20 2.666667
4 21.050000 5.000000 155.6750 100.750000 3.862500 3.3050 20.025 1.00 3.000000
1 4 26.275000 4.500000 106.6875 83.875000 4.133750 2.2725 18.435 0.75 2.000000
5 21.380000 6.000000 202.4800 195.600000 3.916000 2.6326 15.640 0.20 4.400000

This is an easy way to group your data. But sometimes you don’t want all of your variables out of a groupby object. In that case, simply index the groupby object before applying the function!

# Get mean miles per gallon from am and gear
mean_mpg = mtcars.groupby(by=['am', 'gear'])[['mpg']].mean()
am gear
0 3 16.106667
4 21.050000
1 4 26.275000
5 21.380000

4.1. .reset_index() - a note#

You might notice that the index of the DataFrames look a little unusual - there appears to be a kind of ‘nested’ structure to them. This is intentional on Python’s part - it allows you to store multidimensional (more than 2) data in the essentially 2D data structure of the DataFrame. This is known as a MultiIndex, which we won’t use much in this course.

You can easily remove it back to a standard representation by using the .reset_index() method.

# Reset 
am gear mpg
0 0 3 16.106667
1 0 4 21.050000
2 1 4 26.275000
3 1 5 21.380000

4.2. Other pandas data manipulation tools - .transform()#

There are two more tools to know about for manipulating data with Pandas.

The first is .transform(). This allows you to apply a function of your choice to a DataFrame, but with the restriction that the output will be forced to be the same size as the original DataFrame. This is helpful when you want to have a value repeated, rather, as you have seen, collapsing the data down into a smaller or different sized DataFrame. An example will help:

# Subset mt cars with just a few variables
sub = mtcars[['model', 'gear', 'hp']].copy()
model gear hp
0 Mazda RX4 4 110
1 Mazda RX4 Wag 4 110
2 Datsun 710 4 93
3 Hornet 4 Drive 3 110
4 Hornet Sportabout 3 175
# Group by the number of gears, then 'transform' by computing the mean of HP - add this back to the original DF!
sub['Subgroup_Mean_HP'] = sub.groupby('gear').transform('mean')
display(sub.head(), sub.tail())
/var/folders/mw/xt4ddf0j2n3dr4qcr__qhqlr0000gn/T/ipykernel_2968/2279592361.py:2: FutureWarning: Dropping invalid columns in DataFrameGroupBy.transform is deprecated. In a future version, a TypeError will be raised. Before calling .transform, select only columns which should be valid for the function.
  sub['Subgroup_Mean_HP'] = sub.groupby('gear').transform('mean')
model gear hp Subgroup_Mean_HP
0 Mazda RX4 4 110 89.500000
1 Mazda RX4 Wag 4 110 89.500000
2 Datsun 710 4 93 89.500000
3 Hornet 4 Drive 3 110 176.133333
4 Hornet Sportabout 3 175 176.133333
model gear hp Subgroup_Mean_HP
27 Lotus Europa 5 113 195.6
28 Ford Pantera L 5 264 195.6
29 Ferrari Dino 5 175 195.6
30 Maserati Bora 5 335 195.6
31 Volvo 142E 4 109 89.5

4.3. Other pandas data manipulation tools - .agg()#

On the other hand, .agg() is designed to give you access to a range of ‘aggregation’ functions. It is in a sense the opposite of .transform(), because .agg() will collapse the DataFrame down into aggregated versions, but offers a wide range of flexibility, including asking for multiple functions, and applying across either rows or columns.

# Grab multiple summary statistics from DataFrame
display(mtcars.agg(['mean', 'std', 'var', 'sum']))
/var/folders/mw/xt4ddf0j2n3dr4qcr__qhqlr0000gn/T/ipykernel_2968/3822526560.py:2: FutureWarning: ['model'] did not aggregate successfully. If any error is raised this will raise in a future version of pandas. Drop these columns/ops to avoid this warning.
  display(mtcars.agg(['mean', 'std', 'var', 'sum']))
model mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
mean NaN 20.090625 6.187500 230.721875 146.687500 3.596563 3.217250 17.848750 0.437500 0.406250 3.687500 2.812500
std NaN 6.026948 1.785922 123.938694 68.562868 0.534679 0.978457 1.786943 0.504016 0.498991 0.737804 1.615200
var NaN 36.324103 3.189516 15360.799829 4700.866935 0.285881 0.957379 3.193166 0.254032 0.248992 0.544355 2.608871
sum Mazda RX4Mazda RX4 WagDatsun 710Hornet 4 Drive... 642.900000 198.000000 7383.100000 4694.000000 115.090000 102.952000 571.160000 14.000000 13.000000 118.000000 90.000000

Notice how pandas warns us that for some columns, things are going wrong. For example, pandas cannot compute the mean of the model column - what does it mean to average of a bunch of strings? However, notice it can sum the model names together, because Python can ‘add’ strings together. It warns us we should drop these columns before we do anything, so let us do so, and follow it with a group-by.

# Combine with drop/groupby chained operation
grouped_data = mtcars.drop(columns='model').groupby(['am', 'gear'])
display(grouped_data.agg(['mean', 'std']))

# Works the same in a single line of course
display(mtcars.drop(columns='model').groupby(by=['am', 'gear']).agg(['mean', 'std']))
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs carb
mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std
am gear
0 3 16.106667 3.371618 7.466667 1.187234 326.3000 94.852735 176.133333 47.689272 3.132667 0.273665 3.8926 0.832993 17.692 1.349916 0.20 0.414039 2.666667 1.175139
4 21.050000 3.069745 5.000000 1.154701 155.6750 13.978883 100.750000 29.010056 3.862500 0.115000 3.3050 0.156738 20.025 2.041854 1.00 0.000000 3.000000 1.154701
1 4 26.275000 5.414465 4.500000 0.925820 106.6875 37.162978 83.875000 24.174588 4.133750 0.345912 2.2725 0.460814 18.435 1.158916 0.75 0.462910 2.000000 1.309307
5 21.380000 6.658979 6.000000 2.000000 202.4800 115.490636 195.600000 102.833847 3.916000 0.389525 2.6326 0.818925 15.640 1.130487 0.20 0.447214 4.400000 2.607681
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs carb
mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std
am gear
0 3 16.106667 3.371618 7.466667 1.187234 326.3000 94.852735 176.133333 47.689272 3.132667 0.273665 3.8926 0.832993 17.692 1.349916 0.20 0.414039 2.666667 1.175139
4 21.050000 3.069745 5.000000 1.154701 155.6750 13.978883 100.750000 29.010056 3.862500 0.115000 3.3050 0.156738 20.025 2.041854 1.00 0.000000 3.000000 1.154701
1 4 26.275000 5.414465 4.500000 0.925820 106.6875 37.162978 83.875000 24.174588 4.133750 0.345912 2.2725 0.460814 18.435 1.158916 0.75 0.462910 2.000000 1.309307
5 21.380000 6.658979 6.000000 2.000000 202.4800 115.490636 195.600000 102.833847 3.916000 0.389525 2.6326 0.818925 15.640 1.130487 0.20 0.447214 4.400000 2.607681
# Even cooler, pass specific functions to specific columns using a dictionary, omitting the need to drop nuisance columns
various = grouped_data.agg({'mpg':['mean', 'std'], 'hp':'sum', 'cyl':['var', 'median']})
mpg hp cyl
mean std sum var median
am gear
0 3 16.106667 3.371618 2642 1.409524 8.0
4 21.050000 3.069745 403 1.333333 5.0
1 4 26.275000 5.414465 671 0.857143 4.0
5 21.380000 6.658979 978 4.000000 6.0

Sometimes, you don’t want the grouping variables to be in the index. If so, you can pass as_index=False in the call to groupby. In addition, the agg function supports a named-tuple assignment that allows you to change the names of the resulting aggregation outputs. Lets see what that looks like:

# Demonstrate as_index=False and named tuple assignment
cool = mtcars.groupby(['am', 'gear'], as_index=False).agg(average_mpg_right_here=('mpg', 'mean'))
am gear average_mpg_right_here
0 0 3 16.106667
1 0 4 21.050000
2 1 4 26.275000
3 1 5 21.380000